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Call for Usability Test Participants

VORTRAN is pleased to announce that we are opening submissions for volunteers to potentially take part in a Usability study for an upcoming new product for the next generation of our airway pressure monitor line of products.  Test participants will receive all of the necessary equipment and follow a test script to complete a series of moderated tasks in order to measure their performance and rate of occurrence of user errors.  The test will be proctored and observed by a VORTRAN employee at VMT's office; 21 Goldenland Court, Suite 100 Sacramento, CA 95834. The participant is expected to document their findings and participate in a post-test interview.  


Test participants must:

  • Be located within the United States

  • Have active employment within a healthcare facility, emergency medical services, or other comparable industry

    • And/or has a career history in respiratory, EMT, pulmonary, etc. fields. (Retired)

    • And/or be a licensed physician, respiratory therapist, EMT, paramedic, or other comparable title

  • Must have demonstrable knowledge with respiratory care, particularly ventilation and resuscitation.

  • Be physically and mentally capable of performing all required tasks.

  • Be willing to spend up to two hours reviewing product documentation and performing the test.

  • Be willing to sign an NDA.

  • Be forthcoming about any potential conflicts of interest.


VORTRAN has final discretion on choosing test participants for the study and reserves the right to reject any applicants at will.  Volunteers that are not chosen will not be contacted.  Chosen test participants who successfully complete the process will be rewarded with a $250 Amazon gift card and will be sent a free production model of the new VORTRAN product that is the subject of the test (pending FDA approval).


Interested persons shall fill out the below form for VORTRAN’s review, and we will contact potential candidates with further instructions.


Located in the US?

Thanks for submitting!

Glass Buildings





Glass Buildings


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